How To Understand Talent Tree In Path Of Exile 2?

The talent tree in Path of Exile 2 is perhaps the most complex talent tree in the game. All the character's skill trees are together. so if you want to match a good class build, it is necessary to understand the various talent nodes.

In Path of Exile 2, your talent tree offers a variety of options that you can use to enhance everything about your build. Most of these are generic affixes that increase damage types, but a few may provide unique bonuses to their final core talents. Others offer huge powers, such as the keystone talent nodes you find at the edge of the talent tree. As you level up, complete side quests, and advance the story, you will earn more talent skill points.

The exact passive skills available at the beginning of the tree vary depending on your starting class. Once you start from your starting position, you can traverse the entire talent tree, and it’s the same tree for all classes! This allows for a lot of customization possibilities in your build, allowing you to change the behavior of skills or create some crazy melee Sorceress builds! Allocating talent points is not a permanent choice! If you regret any of your decisions, or just want to change your build, you can spend gold to reset your talent tree.

Talent Tree

How To Understand Talent Tree In Path Of Exile 2?

Talent tree nodes are divided into four major categories:

  • Attribute nodes: Give you the option to increase Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence.
  • Minor nodes: Provide small bonuses, such as increased fire damage.
  • Major nodes: These passives appear at the end of a series of minor talents and provide more substantial bonuses, such as a high increase in lightning damage and a chance to reduce enemy lightning resistance.

Keystone nodes: Are unique passives that have powerful effects and are often the core mechanics of a build. For example, a keystone talent might fix health at 1, forcing you to build around energy shields instead of health.

Talent trees also generally follow the theme of attributes. Intelligence is related to lightning and spells, Dexterity is related to frost and projectiles, Strength is related to fire and melee, and these associations are not isolated, and the types of talent groups mix together as you move closer to or away from each quadrant of the talent tree.

Keystone nodes have a much greater impact on build creation than POE 1. Keystone nodes have stronger benefits than before, and more severe negative effects than before.

Weapon Specialisation

You can further customise your build using Path of Exile 2’s weapon specialisation system. Weapon specialisation is easy to use for new players, easy to use for veterans, or for anyone who wants a themed build, like a Witch Hunter with a crossbow and a melee weapon! If you don’t want to use 2 weapon sets right away, just use weapon specialisation points as extra talents!

Weapon specialisation is a way to switch talent points based on your primary weapon dynamically. You earn these talent points by levelling up and completing quests during the campaign.

Book of Specialisation is your key to unlocking weapon specialisation, which you’ll need to earn by defeating some optional bosses and completing side quests.

Resetting Talent

Resetting your talent tree is easier than ever! Resetting talents doesn’t require a currency like POE 2 Exalted, you only need gold. It drops everywhere in the game and also acts as a ‘tax’ for using currency. If you make a mistake with a talent, or want to try a new skill or talent combination, just find the mysterious Hooded One in Act 1.

Here you can spend gold to reset your talent points. The reset price is dynamic, and the cost changes with level and how many points you have allocated in the talent tree. This means you can reset your talents earlier and easier than in POE 1. You also get a 50% discount when resetting attribute nodes, so don’t be afraid to choose a new route on the attribute nodes to explore!

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