What Are Catalysts In POE 2 And How Do You Get Them?
Many players are unfamiliar and confused about Catalysts in POE 2, and don't know their main functions. Here, we will introduce Catalysts in detail and how to get them to help players better integrate into the game.
There are a lot of resources available in POE 2, but many new players don't know how to use them properly. Catalysts in particular are not well understood by many players, and players need to remember that not all Catalysts are worth keeping, and some may just be taking up space.
How Do Catalysts Work?
Although it's hard to get a clear idea of what Catalysts are, they are essentially special quality currency for rings and amulets, but they are different from regular POE 2 Currency. For example, A Blacksmith's Whetstone and Catalysts can both increase the effectiveness of a ring or amulet, but Catalysts don't increase the value of all modifiers, only specific modifiers in the same category.
Ideally, players can find at least two or three rings or amulets of the same type, and then match them with the appropriate catalysts to get the most value. Don't worry about not being able to change catalysts. If you were planning to use Tul's Catalyst to increase Cold Modifiers of a ring, but later decided to attribute stacking, you can use Adaptive Catalyst instead.
A Catalyst Affects Identifying Modifiers
The easiest way for players to determine which modifiers are affected by a catalyst is to use poe2db. By searching for the modifier on the ring, we can see its definition tags. For example, #% increased Cold Damage usually has tags such as Damage and Cold. There are no tags that affect elements or damage, only a cold tag.
In addition, #% of health usually has tags of health, attack, and physical, which means that three different catalysts increase these attributes, respectively. So, if players have two other attributes on their ring, they can choose to use Flesh Catalyst, so that they can maximize their functions.
How To Get Catalysts?
The maximum quality of a ring is +20%. Unlike weapons and armor, however, Breach Rings in POE 2 have a maximum quality of +50%, the highest in the game. This not only means that Catalysts can increase the value of certain modifiers on Breach Rings to very powerful levels, but also makes perfectly rolled Breach Rings with the right Catalyst the most powerful rings in the entire game.
How can players get Catalysts? In fact, it is the most common drop when clearing Breach nodes on Atlas. Players can not only get them by defeating Breach monsters, but also by squatting for Clasped Hands that appear regularly when Breach expands. However, remember that it is not easy to defeat monsters.
In addition, players can also increase the drop rate of these items by using Precursor tablets and Atlas skill tree points to avoid a situation where a lot of effort is invested, but nothing is achieved! Of course, players can also get a large number of Catalysts through Currency Exchange after talking to Alva and selecting Catalysts. Compared with the above methods, this seems to be the easiest and most convenient way.
Catalysts and how to use them are indeed relatively unfamiliar to many players, but in fact, as long as players master the key points, they can maximize their role in the game and add new fun to the entire game.